Thursday, February 4

pamphlets etc

watch shadow cast on tall apartment building by adjacent tall apartment building

understand the scale of this world

fly to each window, watch occupants, breathe warm breath on windows, leave personalized messages

fly to each window, breathe super heated breath, melt windows to quartz and reshape into solid glass spheres, roll spheres across carpeted apartment floors

watch shadow cast on tall apartment building by your elevated body

understand the scale of this world in relation to the scale of your body

smash apartment buildings to rubble with fists


breathe super heated breath on rubble, melt rubble, reshape into solid concrete cube

understand the proportion of space over matter in this world

swallow concrete cube whole, sleep for one hundred million years, understand length of human life span relative to motion of tectonic plates and formation of mountains

smash all mountains to rubble with fists

fly into outer space, fly to the edge of the universe, understand the expansion of the universe

rest there

fly back to earth, crush earth, leave earth, die in supernova, become black hole, swallow all matter