Saturday, February 13

press my face into a pillow and watch another pillow with the lights still on and an ant climbs across this pillow

pick up the pillow and use my thumb and index finger to teleport the ant across my room

be reasonably confident this does not injure the ant and imagine several hundred ants in my room climbing toward me and imagine i am pausing many times every second to flick another ant across my room

imagine each one of hundreds of ants having the experience of uneventful protracted toil that is reset in an instant and then begun again immediately

imagine i am having the experience of frenzied interminable toil while 'flicking ants across my room' with only very brief instants of respite

this seems funny

the ant returns and climbs an almond-milk colored pillow parted from my mattress

the ant stops and casts a very tiny shadow against which the shadows cast by the folds of the pillow case seem enormous

imagine reaching out and crushing the ant between my thumb and index finger

feel giddy as if imagining we are eating and very plausibly reaching out and breaking ice off a mountain peak for use in cooling my coffee just a little

imagine using my entire fist to punch the ant, imagine punching the ant all the way through the pillow without damaging the pillow somehow

watch the ant largely motionless for upwards of a quarter of an hour and the ant stands largely motionless on the pillow for upwards of a quarter of an hour and the pillow presses its image into my retinae so that when you close my eyes i see its haphazard topography still in inverse colors and the single white grain where a very tiny shadow casts the ant


s.swan/spookyguts said...

when i was little i had a dream
that a million ants were inside of my pillowcase.
i liked this.

matthew said...


seems like a million ants inside a pillow case would be unnerving at first but then very & decadently comfortable

ants are very strong, they would lift your head and carry it back and forth a bit and maybe massage it

internally it would be like those rafts fire ants make out of themselves to cross flooded amazonian rivers

or else like those NASA gel ant farms

glow in the dark NASA gel ant farm pillows

seems lucrative

s.swan/spookyguts said...

i dont know. i think a nasa gel ant farm pillow would give me the weirdest dreams.

feels said...

Maybe because I have been alone thinking for a bit, or because it is 1 am and I know I will sleep fitful and wake up alone and with many tasks ahead of me, but I feel moved by this and by your writing.

It is good and for me that means, I is how I wish I could write, or I get it. I get this and the rest and thanks for your comment, i felt warm.

matthew said...

sarah, yes, very strange & novel dreams we hope and a considerable embroidery of the pseudo-scientific, of brain waves & wells and the midnight similarity of their web'd, splintering colonies to our tentative neuronal maps

masha, thank you, now having tentative and wavering 'good' feelings about writing and suspicion that the too lucid & enormous bare plains locating this and other posts are maybe not futile to all study