Thursday, January 21

best thing that hitting buttons did in a videogame

press 'A' to cough
press 'A' to not know what to do with your hands
press 'A' to go home, stand in shower but get out before turning on the water, dress, sleep in clothes
press 'A' to buy iced coffee, almost cry on bus
press 'A' to have memories, regret
press 'A' because you thought it was your turn, apologize
press 'A' to get a job
press 'A' to forget everybody's name
press 'A' to adopt a cat
press 'A' to start doing drugs
press 'A' to stop doing drugs
press 'A' to read too much
press 'A' to cry at work, apologize
press 'A' to meet people
press 'A' to never call
press 'A' to forget everything you read
press 'A' to move back home
press 'A' to inherit a lot of money
press 'A' to forget how you used to feel
press 'A' to feel lonely
press 'A' to donate to charities
press 'A' to buy a house
press 'A' to build a deck
press 'A' to walk around your empty house, dust, sit for hours in bay windows
press 'A' to visit people
press 'A' to live in a Holiday Inn for 3 weeks
press 'A' to buy an airplane
press 'A' to fly around the world, refuel in mid-air, never land

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